Supporting the success and growth of local businesses is job #1.
Encouraging and seeking new business development is a priority.
Enhancing B2B communications and collaboration for success.
We actively promote Berea as a place to live, work, and explore.
A Chamber of Commerce enables those with a vested interest in the growth and commerce of a local region to collectively support each other, learn from each other, and grow their local economy together. The Chamber offers a great way to network, meet others, volunteer, build leadership skills, partner with others, and serve as an advocate for the growth and changes we collectively want to see in our local community and region.
The Berea Chamber offers Community Activities, Resources, Networking Events, as we as Advertising and Marketing opportunities.
Receive our weekly e-blast every Wednesday with news, updates, special events, volunteer opportunities, advertisements, and much more!
Copyright © 2025 Berea Chamber of Commerce